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Low cost devices for Epilepsy Fit trigger



Nearly 20 million people in the India and 65 million people worldwide suffer with epilepsy, a neurological condition which affects the nervous system and causes seizures (Fits). One in 26 people develop epilepsy at some point in their lifetime, with 200,000 new cases annually in the India. Nearly 80% of the people with epilepsy live in low and middleincome countries and three quarters of these individuals do not get the treatment they need. Among those living with epilepsy, nearly one-third have ongoing seizures despite existing therapies.

The major objective of the project is to design and develop a personalized wearable lowcost device that detect epilepsy fits before its occurrence. Initially, a sensor-based device is trained for the patterns of fits in patient. After training the device it can detect fits before its occurrence. For epilepsy, neuro signals (i.e. brain signals) are used to detect fits and it is found to be costly and inefficient. This is the novel idea which combines the use of sensors and computational intelligence approaches (i.e. machine learning techniques) together.